Etama Specialty Coffees

  • Client: Etama
  • Art Direction: Guilherme Esteves, Mateus Moitinho and Pedro Oliveira
  • Brand: Guilherme Esteves, Mateus Moitinho and Pedro Oliveira
  • Illustration: Mateus Moitinho
  • Animation: Pedro Oliveira
  • 3D Packaging: Guilherme Esteves

Mother Earth that shelters and embraces, Etama means loving where you live and everything that comes from there. Etama Cafés Especiais is a study project that arose from the idea of representing Brazilian folklore through a product closely linked to our culture. Mixing the legends that permeate our generations with delicious selected coffee is a way of maintaining tradition, renewing it. Here the sensory is essential in the experience with flavors.

The inspiration for the illustrations came from the Cubist movement and the works of Brazilian artist Tarsila do Amaral (Antropofágico movement 1928 – 1930). The drawings feature a freer approach in relation to the perspective and proportion of the body and a more abstract setting with vibrant colors.

What makes these illustrations truly distinctive is their ability to capture the essence of Brazilian folklore. Through the use of free and expressive lines, the figures come to life with a unique energy, celebrating the diversity and richness of Brazilian popular culture.

Every brushstroke and every shape contributes to telling a story that transcends paper


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